Agenda 2023

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Tour of Warsaw’s real estate market for international media and CEE Summit participants based outside Poland (for more information please go to The Warsaw Tour section of this website)

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CEE Summit 2023 Welcome Drinks

at Browar Warszawski, at ul. Haberbuscha i Schielego 2

Thursday 22 June 2023

Registration, Coffee & Networking

Poland 2023 – film by The Poland Observer

Opening presentation: Poland & the CEE market in a global context

The global real estate market is changing as never before. From ESG to supply chain to changing patterns of work and living, what are the trends & issues that you need to know about, and how are they affecting Poland & the CEE markets?

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Keynote presentation: The International Investor’s Perspective

How do international investors see the current trends influencing the market and what does this mean for investment strategies? What are the criteria that makes an attractive investment in the listed sector? How does CEE as a region compare with the other main European markets – what are the challenges and the opportunities ? Which countries & regions, sectors and subsectors are in the spotlight for listed market investors? How is the increased focus on ESG influencing investment strategy in European listed markets?

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Panel: Poland & CEE markets in a global context

Following on from the two opening presentations, a panel of local operators and international investors, developers and key market stakeholders discuss the main issues affecting the CEE region now and in the future, looking at sectors, locations, trends and key issues.

Networking Coffee Break

Snapshot presentation: Driving Circular Solutions: Tackling Carbon Neutrality in the Built Environment

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Panel: ESG – the 3 key letters to preserve and unlock value

Last year the CEE Summit looked in depth and ESG and its impact on the CEE market. One year on, we will again look closely at this all-encompassing topic and see how the implementation of ESG principles is influencing the real estate business, and discuss what to expect going forward.

Snapshot presentation: Revitalization as an opportunity for future retail core-assets

Some say we are not just facing more uncertainties, but they have also become more complex. The real estate industry has therefore not been able to take a deep breath after the pandemic.This makes it all the more important, especially in these times, to take a close look at what will continue to be a core asset in the future. Revitalization is one of the most important trends in retail real estate.

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Breakout Session: SECTORS

Investor intentions show a focus on residential and alternatives in the current market but office, hotels and retail all offer scale for international investors. How are each of the markets evolving in CEE and how does this compare with markets across Europe?

A chance to discuss the different sectors in depth in a relaxed and informal environment, where everyone can add their voice – and the discussion is led by experienced professionals in their fields.

Room 1: The future of office, mixed-use & living
Room 2: The future of retail, logistics & alternatives

Networking Lunch

Presentation: The changing shape of global trade and supply chains

The reversing of the globalisation megatrend has led to huge changes in global trade, supply chains and investment. What are the key global trends and how will they influence the European market?

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Panel: Supply Chain & Logistics – driving new opportunities?

Recent geopolitical developments have affected the logistics industry profoundly, impacting traditional supply chain patterns and assumptions significantly. Where does Poland & the CEE region fit into the global supply chain, and how will this impact the regional warehouse and logistics market.

There was a decline of 9% in net demand for warehouse space in Poland between Q3 2021 and 2022. Is this the sign of a slowdown or just a blip? Poland is now the most active development market in Europe, accounting for 25% of new stock in Q1-Q3 2022. Is this set to continue? Which CEE countries are best placed to benefit from the reshoring trend and increase in manufacturing demand for space?

Supporting Ukraine: Video messages from Ihor Terekhov, The Mayor of Kharkiv, and Sergiy Tsivkach, CEO of UkraineInvest.

Understanding the changing trends in greenfield foreign direct investment

FDI is evolving. Companies and governments need to understand the current trends driving international expansion activity. This session will identify the key sectors, subsectors and themes as well as where and why FDI is taking place. We’ll be deep-diving to look at project-level examples.

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Panel: Transition to Real FDI – Locations & Opportunities in Real Assets

FDI is evolving and cities and countries are increasingly expected to widen their remits and engage institutional investors to drive investment in urban developments, infrastructure and real estate projects – as well as other public schemes. Real assets are in much greater focus, not just in terms of availability and quality of office, commercial space and residential, but also infrastructure, which impacts the crucial factor of connectivity as well as the ambitious energy transition goals that countries and cities need to achieve.

Networking Coffee Break

Breakout Session: LOCATIONS

Breakout sessions offer the opportunity to hear from more voices – including your own. In a more informal style, experts and participants are encouraged to talk about their experiences and expectations of the market, asking key questions and sharing solutions.
Which locations in the CEE Region offer the best opportunities for investors and why? Should investors look mainly at Poland and capital cities across the region? Which regional cities have the most potential to grow and attract investment?

Room 1: RISING STARS – which cities, regions and countries are on the way up or back on their feet, and how far can they rise?

Room 2: SHINING STARS – which cities, regions and countries are up-and-running and established, and how long will they shine?

After-conference drinks

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